Schedule of events
for 2024
Bonus events will be posted soon!
April 13th ran
April 27th ran
May 11th ran
June 22th ran
July 13th D17 Bonus Megacross Bonus 10~!
August 10th and 11th see below! ran
August 17th
August 31st Fair Race! Great River Shootout Series
Sept 28th The CS4 Pro AM Challenge
Double Megacross pts final champ race. This will be
our Fifth annual Chase Pro Am Event! We
hope Chase can make it!! Once we know you will!
13 events. Best 10 count. All Bonus always counts. Video
August 11th AMA District 17 Motocross Bonus pts.ran ================================================= IF it rains and we can't run our SX program outside, we will move it inside. (does not apply to mx) We are the only series at this point to be able to do this world-wide.
Bonus events will be posted soon!
April 13th ran
April 27th ran
May 11th ran
25th Great River
Shootout Series ran
June 8th
June 22th ran
July 13th D17 Bonus Megacross Bonus 10~!
August 10th and 11th see below! ran
August 17th
August 31st Fair Race! Great River Shootout Series
14th Adult E Bike Class Starks, Surrons
etc!............... D17 SX Bonus night! ran
13 events. Best 10 count. All Bonus always counts. Video
Fox Valley Off Road Moto @ the Park!
August 10th This
weekend is Megacross points and contingency Great River
Shootout Series August 11th AMA District 17 Motocross Bonus pts.ran ================================================= IF it rains and we can't run our SX program outside, we will move it inside. (does not apply to mx) We are the only series at this point to be able to do this world-wide.
Shootout Series
Ultimate Racer Challenge Series Information.